Spring Nucleus Colonies

Our Spring Nucs consist of 5 frames – bees, brood in all development stages, honey, pollen and a prolifically laying queen contained in a Pro-Nuc box for easy transportation and care. The Spring Nuc queens are carefully grafted from our own overwintered survivor breeder queens we have successfully used in the New England area for years. Each breeder queen is carefully selected from our strongest stock with excellent honey and bee production, gentleness, winter hardiness and hygienic behavior. That excellent hardiness and productivity has its roots founded in Carniolan, Saskatraz, VSH and Minnesota Hygienics. These Spring Nuc colonies contain the same strain of queens we use in our overwintered Nucs. Because brood is present and young bees are emerging, nucs build up faster than packages and need to be transferred to full size equipment immediately! They will usually be ready for a second brood box within a few weeks of installation and a honey super shortly thereafter if drawn comb is used.
Spring Nucs are typically ready the early to middle of May, but the exact dates may vary depending on weather conditions. We will contact you to schedule you pickup date.
*A word of advise: We prefer to leave the entrance of the nucs open for travel in order to provide the bees with adequate air flow in transit. If a truck is available to you, it is the ideal transportation for your nucs. If a car is your only option, however, they will usually be fine as long as the interior is kept cool and air is circulating. A ventilated nuc bag will prevent any “stragglers” from escaping during transport and can be provided if requested for an additional $5.00 .
We don’t need a deposit, just your order, and we will mark you down on our customer sheet.
2025 Nuc Prices are as follows
Quantity Discounts
1-4 $195
5-10 $190 ($5.00 off)
11-15 $185 ($10.00 off)
16-25 $180 ($15.00 off)